Spring Bible Conference
Well, Spring break is over and I'm now back into the swing of things at school. The week after we got back from Spring break, the school had their annual Spring Bible Conference. This is usually a pretty big event for the school, but this year it was even bigger because the school is celebrating it's 20th anniversary. There were 21 different speakers during the week, and I think that just about every message spoke to my heart and convicted me about something. Although it was a busy week, I don't think I'd trade it for anything.
One of the highlight's of the week for me was seeing my pastor. He came down on Friday to visit the college, and it was such an encouragement to see him. The day before had been kind of rough, so that made it even more special. He took Holly, Andrew, and I out to eat at Chick-fil-a. It was delicious!! He was only down here for about half a day, but just to see him was a huge encouragement to me.
The same night that my pastor was down here, Mr. Beal, the future president of Ambassador, preached a message on what Ambassador is about. He told us that Ambassador will not change its stance as long as he is president. He encouraged all of us to pray for Ambassador, that it will be able to keep the strong standards that it has.
There's not enough room here to go into all that I learned at Bible Conference, so I'll just share one thing. During Dorm Devos one night, the speaker (I can't remember his name right now) spoke on humility. He said some things that really made me think. It wasn't your usual message on humility, but I think that's why it spoke to my heart so much.
Well, church is about ready to start, so I need to get off here. Hopefully, I'll be able to post mroe next SUnday, depending on how much schoolwork i have to do.
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