Today I will be going fishing with my Dad and PawPaw. However, Dad will be in a different boat. This will give me an oppurtunity that I've never had before: to be alone with PawPaw. I'm hoping to use this time alone with him to witness to him.
For as long as I can remember my family and I have been praying for Granny and PawPaw's salvation. Dad has witnessed to both of them several times, but until recently, their hearts were hardened towards the Gospel and they didn't want anything to do with it. However, a few months ago Dad had an opportunity to witness to them again, and they listened and actually seemed intersted.
It has long been a desire of my heart to see Granny and PawPaw accept Christ as their personal Saviour, however, I must admit I have been lax in witnessing to them. Although I've had opportunities to share the Gospel with Granny, I let those slip by. I regret that so much now. Being at Ambassador has really given me a burden for souls, especially for Granny and PawPaw. I would hate for them to die without getting saved. They mean so much to me taht I cannot just sit by and do nothing.
I know that there's no guarantee that I'll get an opportunity to witness to PawPaw today, and even if I do get an opportunity there's no guarantee that he will get saved, but I still have to try. I have been in in constanst, fervent prayer about this and the Lord ahs given me a peace about it that I cannot explain. I just somehow have a feeling that I will indeed be given a chance to witness to PawPaw.
Please pray with me that, first of all, I will get an opportunity to witness to him, and that he will listen when I do. Also pray for his salvation, as well as Granny's. Nothing would make me happier than to see them accept Christ as their personal Savior this summer. Please, please, please pray that the Lord will give me boldness as well as the right words to say so that I can clearly present the plan of salvation to PawPaw, and that he will listen to it and get saved.
“There is no other activity in life so important as that of prayer. Every other activity depends upon prayer for its best efficiency.” M.E. Andross
"Our only true power is the power of prayer. When we pray, God moves from heaven. When we pray, things happen that would not otherwise happen. By prayer all things are possible." Dr. Ray Pritchard