I just got back from camp today. I had so much fun! I wish it had lasted another week. The speaker was Evangelist Dwight Smith. He was excellent.
Pretty much all of the messages spoke to my heart, but the one that spoke to my heart the most was about intercessory prayer. He challenged us not to give up on praying for someone or something, but to keep on praying, no matter what.
Another message that spoke to my heart was a message on soulwinning. Brother Dwight challenged us to not just go out on organized church visitation, but to witness each and every way. He told us that we should look for opportunities to turn earthly conversations into heavenly ones. He also said that we should witness to our coworkers and relatives, and not be afraid of what they'll say. I've been really bad about doing this. I've worked at Taco Bell for almost a year now, but I haven't witnessed to them at all. I made a decision that I would take every oppurtunity I got to witness to them.
I'll probably write more later on, but I'm going to go crash now. I'm exhausted.